Chapter 11

Chapter 11 discusses how to gather and maintain an audience using new journalism platforms.

The main point of the chapter was to establish what the audience likes and dislikes.  It would be a waste of time and effort to report on something nobody wants to know or cares about.

To keep organization and track what is being reported on there are some things to look out for:

•    The total news stories in a day
•    How many stories there are in a certain category such as sports, business, politics, etc.
•    Video stories per week
•    Blogs for a specific blog

Finally, the use of images and videos are becoming a main component of attracting audiences and keeping up with competition.  The audience wants something appealing to the eye not just the mind.

Despite being a Flyers fan, I think Capitals fans and Flyers fans can all enjoy a moment such as this.

Crosby Demolition

Video courtesy of youtube, user kyleBOTD

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