Chapter 6

Chapter six was an eye-grabbing chapter.  This was due to the photos throughout the chapter.  Photography has always been instrumental in journalism.  However, it is now even more critical for contemporary journalists.

A compelling photo can be the difference between a reader staying on a page to read the article or navigating away from the page.

I know I am more compelled to stay hooked to an online article if there is a photo to connect to the story.  Although the content of the story is more important, a photo can lead into the article will discuss or set the tone for the article.

For example if the Philadelphia Flyers won a game, it will likely show a photo of a player scoring such as this:

Flyers Win

However, if the Flyers lost it would look more like this:

Flyers Lose

The discrepancy between the photos set up for what the article will entail.  Finally, I thought it was important that copyright was mentioned.  Credit must be given where credit is due.

Photos courtesy of “Google Images.”

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